简介前言:这篇文章给大家介绍了怎样用python创建一个简单的报警,它可以运行在命令行终端,它需要分钟做为命令行参数,在这个分钟后会打印”wake-up”消息,并响铃报警,你可以用0分钟来测试,它会立即执行,用扬声器控制面板调整声音。以下是脚本:# alarm_clock.py# Descripti
# alarm_clock.py # Description: A simple Python program to make the computer act # like an alarm clock. Start it running from the command line # with a command line argument specifying the duration in minutes # after which to sound the alarm. It will sleep for that long, # and then beep a few times. Use a duration of 0 to test the # alarm immediiately, e.g. for checking that the volume is okay. # Author: Vasudev Ram - http://www.dancingbison.com import sys import string from time import sleep sa = sys.argv lsa = len(sys.argv) if lsa != 2: print "Usage: [ python ] alarm_clock.py duration_in_minutes" print "Example: [ python ] alarm_clock.py 10" print "Use a value of 0 minutes for testing the alarm immediately." print "Beeps a few times after the duration is over." print "Press Ctrl-C to terminate the alarm clock early." sys.exit(1) try: minutes = int(sa[1]) except ValueError: print "Invalid numeric value (%s) for minutes" % sa[1] print "Should be an integer >= 0" sys.exit(1) if minutes < 0: print "Invalid value for minutes, should be >= 0" sys.exit(1) seconds = minutes * 60 if minutes == 1: unit_word = " minute" else: unit_word = " minutes" try: if minutes > 0: print "Sleeping for " + str(minutes) + unit_word sleep(seconds) print "Wake up" for i in range(5): print chr(7), sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "Interrupted by user" sys.exit(1) # EOF