简介当你调用某个函数时,PowerShell会增加一次嵌套层次。当一个函数调用了另一个函数,或着脚本,也会增加嵌套层次。今天分享一个函数,它能告诉你的脚本嵌套的层次:function Test-NestLevel
$ok = $false
} While ($ok)
function Test-Diving { param($Depth) if ($Depth -gt 10) { return } "Diving deeper to $Depth meters..." $currentDepth = Test-NestLevel "calculated depth: $currentDepth" Test-Diving -depth ($Depth+1) } Test-Diving -depth 1
PS C:\> Test-Diving -Depth 1 diving deeper to 1 meters... calculated depth: 1 diving deeper to 2 meters... calculated depth: 2 diving deeper to 3 meters... calculated depth: 3 diving deeper to 4 meters... calculated depth: 4 diving deeper to 5 meters... calculated depth: 5 diving deeper to 6 meters... calculated depth: 6 diving deeper to 7 meters... calculated depth: 7 diving deeper to 8 meters... calculated depth: 8 diving deeper to 9 meters... calculated depth: 9 diving deeper to 10 meters... calculated depth: 10 PS C:\> & { Test-Diving -Depth 1 } diving deeper to 1 meters... calculated depth: 2 diving deeper to 2 meters... calculated depth: 3 diving deeper to 3 meters... calculated depth: 4 diving deeper to 4 meters... calculated depth: 5 diving deeper to 5 meters... calculated depth: 6 diving deeper to 6 meters... calculated depth: 7 diving deeper to 7 meters... calculated depth: 8 diving deeper to 8 meters... calculated depth: 9 diving deeper to 9 meters... calculated depth: 10 diving deeper to 10 meters... calculated depth: 11 PS C:\>