简介在这个教程中我们收集了40个Illustrator英文教程,在下面40个教程里都是用Illustrator制作的一些特殊形状,形状效果非常不错!希望大家喜欢,效果是非常酷的!in this post we’ll feature 40 tutorials for working wit
in this post we’ll feature 40 tutorials for working with shapes in various ways and for a variety of purposes. As you’ll see in these tutorials, shapes can be used for plenty of real-world purposes in every day design.
Simple Organic Shapes the Illustrator Way
Change the Size of a Rounded Rectangle After Being Drawn
Creating a Rotatable Globe in Adobe Illustrator
Illustrate a Vector Lifesaver from Scratch
Simultaneously Expand When Creating Compund Shapes
Extract Paths from Mesh Shapes
Command Shape in Illustrator
4 Simple Shapes in Illustrator
Creating Geometric Patterns in Illustrator
Using the Pathfinder and Align Tool in Illustrator