
css 让文字不被选中之-moz-user-select 属性介绍

简介他在ie下也能选中文字,但是选中其他列表,不会选中文字,原来它是在不同div中,属于不同的范围,而同事是放在同一个table中,当然会选中。 而在firefox下,文字不会被选中,查看google calender的css,原来还有-moz-user-select这个属性,很好玩! 最后采用一个了j
而在firefox下,文字不会被选中,查看google calender的css,原来还有-moz-user-select这个属性,很好玩!
最后采用一个了js方法,即onselectstart=function{return false;},不让页面进行选择,呵呵,这是很多网站不让复制采用的方法。

-moz-user-select is a Mozilla property extension to CSS that is used to determine whether or not an element may have its content selected.

Media: interactive

Possible uses include: prohibiting the selection of content in attempts to reduce blatant copying.

TARGET_ELEMENT{-moz-user-select: none;}Legal Values
Value Description inherit Inherit the value from the parent element. none None of the content may be selected. text Only the text within the element may be selected. element A single element may be selected (from many). elements Multiple elements may be selected. all The contents must either be selected in entirety or none at all. toggle The contents are selected "following a standard toggling content model" [1]. tri-state unknown -moz-all unknown

Usage Examples

This sample code provides a simple "Hello, World!" text which prevents the user from selecting the content:

<span style="-moz-user-select: none;">
Hello, World!


This property is similar to the user-select property of CSS3.

When the 'none' value was applied to a heading element the content could still be selected.

According to the W3C, the "User agent's default style sheet may override this value. For example, user agents typically do not allow selection of the contents of a BUTTON element. [2] As the -moz-user-select was designed to mimic the user-select property, the same applies.

Specification Conformance

Doesn't conform to CSS standards; A Mozilla CSS Extension.

Browser Compatibility

Netscape 6+
Mozilla 0.6+
Firefox 1.0+

See Also


css中的 “-moz-user-select”和“-khtml-user-select”属性是什麽意思?以及它们的用法?
<html lang="en-US">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<style type="text/css">
1、 none:用none,子元素所有的文字都不能选择,包括input输入框中的文字也不能选择。
2、 -moz-all:子元素所有的文字都可以被选择,但是input输入框中的文字不可以被选择。
3、 -moz-none:子元素所有的文字都不能选择,但是input输入框中的文字除外。
IE浏览器下是通过 onselectstart=”javascript:return false;”事件来实现该功能。
-khtml-是苹果的那个浏览器的 好像现在使用-webkit-user-select: none

上一篇:-moz-user-select与onselectstart 禁止选择文字的方法

下一篇:CSS Usage CSS减肥工具(firefox插件)